
How To Get Better with Xerath: The Ultimate Guide

Xerath, the Magus Ascendant, is one of the most intriguing champions in the popular online game, League of Legends. His unique abilities and gameplay mechanics require strategic gameplay, making it essential to understand this champion’s subtleties. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into everything you need to know about mastering Xerath.

Understanding Xerath’s Abilities

As a magic damage artillery mage, Xerath’s abilities are centered on poking enemies from afar and bursting them down in quick succession.

Passive: Mana Surge

Xerath’s passive ability, Mana Surge, helps him maintain a good mana pool throughout the game. Remember, using this effectively will keep Xerath in the lane longer, giving you more opportunities to poke and farm.

Q Ability: Arcanopulse

The first, and perhaps most essential of Xerath’s abilities, is Arcanopulse. It serves as your primary damage tool. Precision in using Arcanopulse is vital; a well-aimed Q can drastically shift a fight in your favor.

W Ability: Eye of Destruction

Eye of Destruction, Xerath’s W, is a powerful tool that allows him to slow opponents and deal extra damage to those in the center of the blast.

E Ability: Shocking Orb

Shocking Orb (E), Xerath’s only form of hard crowd control (CC), can stun enemies, giving him the chance to follow up with a full combo.

R Ability: Rite of the Arcane

His ultimate, Rite of the Arcane, allows Xerath to rain down destruction from a significant distance, giving him the unique ability to contribute to fights from afar.

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Perfect Your Xerath Gameplay with LOLScript

Amid everything we’ve discussed so far, there’s a way to take your Xerath gameplay to a whole new level. With LOLScript, you can augment your skills and master the complexity of Xerath in an easy and enjoyable way.

LOLScript is a revolutionary platform specially designed to assist players in enhancing their skills and expertise in League of Legends. With a specially developed script for Xerath, you can efficiently understand the champion’s mechanics and learn to optimize the use of his abilities.

Mastering Xerath’s Combo

To excel with Xerath, one must learn to string his abilities together seamlessly. An ideal combo would be E>W>Q, enabling you to stun your opponent, follow up with a slow, and deal substantial damage.

Itemization for Xerath

Your item choices can significantly impact how effectively you can play Xerath. Prioritizing items that boost your Ability Power (AP) and offer cooldown reduction can make Xerath a real threat on the battlefield.

Luden’s Echo

This item is a staple for most Xerath players. It not only provides a healthy amount of AP but also offers mana sustain and cooldown reduction.

Sorcerer’s Shoes

Sorcerer’s Shoes can give Xerath the magic penetration he needs to deal more damage, especially in the early to mid-game phase.

Rabadon’s Deathcap

Rabadon’s Deathcap is a must-have for the late game. This item drastically increases your AP, allowing your abilities to deal massive damage.

Positioning and Map Awareness

Map awareness and proper positioning are crucial for playing Xerath effectively. Given his long-range abilities, positioning yourself correctly can allow you to poke enemies safely and provide support during team fights from a distance.

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Playing Around Xerath’s Strengths and Weaknesses

Like all champions, Xerath has his strengths and weaknesses. Understanding these can greatly improve your performance.


Xerath’s long-range abilities allow him to deal damage safely from a distance. His stun and slow provide crowd control, which can be beneficial in team fights.


Xerath is highly vulnerable to assassins and champions who can close the gap quickly. He lacks mobility, making him an easy target if caught out of position.

Practicing Xerath

Getting better with Xerath takes time and practice. Spending time in the Practice Tool, playing Xerath in different matchups, and analyzing replays can drastically improve your gameplay.


Getting better with Xerath involves understanding his abilities, knowing when to use his combos, selecting the right items, positioning correctly, and practicing. By implementing the strategies and tips shared in this guide, you will be well on your way to mastering Xerath.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q) What role does Xerath play in League of Legends?

Ans: Xerath is typically played in the Mid lane as a mage. His long-range abilities make him an excellent choice for poking and bursting down enemies.

Q) How should I practice aiming Xerath’s Q?

Ans: Aim your Q where you predict your enemy will move. It takes time and practice to get the hang of it, so don’t be discouraged if you miss a few shots early on.

Q) Is Xerath a good champion for beginners?

Ans: Xerath might be challenging for beginners due to his reliance on skill shots and positioning. However, with practice, he can be an incredibly rewarding champion to play.

Q) How can I survive against assassins as Xerath?

Ans: Map awareness is crucial. Keeping an eye on the minimap and warding properly can prevent surprise attacks. Positioning is also key; try to stay behind your team’s frontline during team fights.

Q) What summoner spells should I use with Xerath?

Ans: Flash is essential for its utility, and Barrier or Heal can help Xerath survive against burst damage. However, the choice of the second summoner spell can depend on the game’s state and your lane opponent.



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