
3 Methods Explained To Look Up Reddit Users Comments

Reddit is one of the most popular social media platforms, which thrives on user-generated content among its millions of sub-communities or “subreddits” as they are called. Reddit differs from other forms of social media as there is a great deal of anonymity in the app, and works on Reddit threads – which are forms of discussions much akin to that of forums where Reddit users can discuss topics and create a conversation. Labeled as the “front page of the internet”, the platform features a little bit of everything, as the content flow is all user-based. There are several subreddits on a variety of topics ranging to the extreme, from cat videos to gaming.

The platform works as a forum where you can create your user ID (and a customisable Reddit avatar!) and then go on the various subreddits of your liking and use the application as you wish. As such, the users are much more anonymous and unseen than from the likes of Facebook (Meta) or Instagram. Oftentimes, one may find a particular Reddit user whose content you might find striking or are simply trying to feed your curiosity. In those cases, you might want to look into the particular comments of a Redditor and see where all he has commented. There are different methods to look up a Reddit users comments, and we will elaborate on all of them in the upcoming sections of this article.

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Is It Possible To Look Up A Reddit Users Comments?

You can search for a user’s comments on Reddit using three different methods of searching, and we have explained them in a detailed manner below.

Method 1: Find Through Search Engine

This is the most simple method to search, which utilizes a third-party search engine like Google or Yahoo. You can enter the user’s Reddit username along with any relevant keywords or topics you might be interested in, and then let the search engine find the user’s comments. This approach is not fool-proof, though, as it primarily depends on the indexing of the search engine and the visibility of user comments. You can further enhance the search by adding specific subreddits or posts where the user might have been active.

To narrow your search to a particular subreddit, try searching “Reddit user: [username][subreddit name]”. While this method offers a general summary, it might not include every comment a person has made and is the least effective of the three.

Method 2: Checking User Profile On Reddit

This is the “standard” way to check any posts, comments and other details about a user on Reddit. In this method, you first access the user’s profile on Reddit whose comments you wish to look up. A user’s Reddit profile page lists all of their posts, comments, and other community participation. You can type in “[username]” on your browser and substitute “[username]” with the user’s actual username to get this information.

A list of the user’s posts and comments, arranged by the most recent activity, can be seen on their profile page. You can browse the content to learn more about their perspectives, participate in conversations, or even vote for their contributions. With this approach, you may interact with user comments directly and learn more about their viewpoints. To see the comments, access the comments tab and scroll to view all of them. However, you have to keep in mind that some individuals may have restricted their profiles or erased some specific comments. As such, this method isn’t 100% effective as well, but still works easily through Reddit itself and is the most accessible.

Method 3: Using

As we have seen, the other two methods have their fallacies. No traditional method can tap into hidden or deleted comments or posts a user may have uploaded, and to see that content we need to utilize third-party websites. Such a website is This website has a special search-by-user function that makes it simple to look for a Reddit user’s comments across the entire platform. You can use the website by following the steps given below.

  • Step 1: Open your browser and go to
  • Step 2: Type the appropriate Reddit username into the search field.
  • Step 3: Additionally, you can choose to add more search criteria, such as a subreddit, time period, or phrase. This will help you focus your search.
  • Step 4: Start the search process by clicking the search button.

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You will then see a list of the user’s remarks on the website, arranged either chronologically or according to relevancy. Using this technique, you may swiftly go through user comments and investigate their contributions to various threads and subreddits. The ability to search through archived information makes unique in that it makes it possible to find even deleted comments or those buried deep inside Reddit’s extensive history. It makes it easier to locate a Reddit user’s comments, even when more conventional search techniques might not be successful.

Presenting You 7 Benefits of Using Reddit

Now that we have looked into how to look up a Reddit user’s comments, let us explore what makes Reddit unique and why it attracts 52 million daily users

on the website or app. The platform has some key features which separate it from the others about which we have detailed below.

  • Subreddits: Reddit’s subreddits, which are distinct communities focused on particular subjects or hobbies, are it’s beating heart. Almost any topic you can think of has a subreddit, from technology and gaming to cuisine and fitness. Users can participate in discussions, subscribe to their favorite subreddits, and post content fitting to their interests.
  • Karma: An internal point system used by Reddit which measures a user’s participation and engagement in the community. When posts or comments are upvoted, users gain karma. This platform serves as a reputation meter and can grant users access to special features like the ability to start new subreddits. This system works on the voting mechanism Reddit utilizes, which we have discussed below.
  • Voting System: The voting process on Reddit is a key component of the website. Users have the ability to upvote or downvote posts and comments, which can affect their ranking and exposure. This technique promotes a sense of democracy and involvement by allowing the community to select material and choose what appears at the top of that community’s page.
  • Ask Me Anything (QnA) Panels: Reddit is well-known for its “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) sessions, in which famous people, including politicians, celebrities, and subject-matter experts, interact with the Reddit community in real-time. Users get a rare chance to speak with and gain knowledge from notable people through AMAs.
  • Reddit Mobile App: Reddit provides a simple mobile app that makes it possible for users to read and interact with the site while on the go. With features like push alerts, configurable home feeds, and simple access to subreddits, the app offers a seamless user experience.
  • Embeddability: Reddit users can embed posts or comments in blogs or other websites, making it simple to share and highlight engaging discussions that are taking place elsewhere. Reddit content is made more visible thanks to this functionality, which also promotes engagement across platforms.
  • Reddit Premium: Reddit Gold, currently known as Reddit Premium, is a paid subscription plan that grants access to premium subreddits and provides an ad-free surfing experience. A monthly allotment of Reddit Coins, the digital money that can be used to reward posts or comments, is also given to premium subscribers.

All of these features make Reddit a unique experience for its users which is truly customisable and different for every person and what they engage in, making it all depend on the user’s interactions and interests.

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Reddit is a remarkable platform which offers millions of subreddits to explore and find the communities which best suit your interests. The anonymity along with the extensive content truly separates it as its own thing rather than yet another social media platform with posts such as Instagram or Snapchat. One might find a particular user on Reddit whose activity they want to explore, and there are various methods to do so as we illustrated in the article. Traditional search engines and looking at the user’s profile can both offer insightful information, but they might not include all of the user’s comments. By using specialized tools like, you can successfully search for a Reddit user’s comments, providing a comprehensive answer to these restrictions. Through these techniques, you can explore the vast Reddit discussion community, learn about fresh viewpoints, and have insightful discussions with other users the way you see fit. Also remember, while looking up a Reddit user’s comments can be insightful, it’s essential to respect the user’s privacy and adhere to Reddit’s community guidelines when engaging with their content.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q) Can I search for comments made by a Reddit user on the Reddit mobile app?

Ans:  Unfortunately, there isn’t a built-in feature to search for a user’s comments in the Reddit mobile app right now. You may still locate their comments using the standard search approach, though, by typing in the Reddit username and pertinent search terms in the search bar of your mobile browser.

Q) Can I search for comments made by a Reddit user in specific threads or subreddits?

Ans: Yes, you can focus your search by indicating the Reddit subreddit or thread that you think the user’s comments were posted in. You can focus your search on certain conversations by using the relevant subreddit or thread name in your search query on search engines or by using search parameters on platforms like

Q) Is using a safe and trustworthy platform?

Ans: Yes, usage is usually regarded as secure. The website was created to give users a simple method to look for Reddit comments made by a particular user. However, it’s always necessary to use caution and be aware of your privacy and security when using any online service or website.

Om Thakur

Om Thakur is a proficient content writer at Selectyourdeals. An aspiring author, he has been writing content for as long as he can remember. Apart from being keen about writing and literature, he is also passionate about technological developments, and is currently pursuing BTech in Computer Science.

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