Audio Services Not Responding Issue (6 BEST Fix)

Audio Services Not Responding Issue

Audio Services Not Responding Error message gets displayed on the PC when there’s some defect or technical glitch in the audio or sound services that are embedded within the system. Due to this issue, most of the audio and sound components attached within the system stop responding and user’s cannot listen to audio playing on the system.

Audio Services Not Responding Issue (6 BEST Fix)

In addition, the Audio Services Not Responding issue also takes place when the user opts for renovating their Windows via the help of the latest Windows update fluctuating in the system. It’s also seen that downloading audio files online from the unauthorized sources also leads to this issue because at times few files constitute malware or viruses which corrupt the audio devices implemented within the system. We understand that dealing with such issues is difficult at times when you have an important meeting or seminar to attend with your colleagues or friends from the workplace but due to a defect in the audio components of your system, you can’t attend that meeting with them.

Well, to avoid Audio Services Not Responding Issue ruckus we have come up with these 6 BEST Fixes. Then audio service not responding error would not be displayed on your device.

Audio Services Not Responding Issue FIX

Method 1: Detach the Sound Drivers

Step 1: The first step deals with installing CCleaner from its official website.

Step 2: Opt for ‘Registry Windows’ situated on the left side of the screen for scanning all the issues and fixing them.

Step 3: Proceed further to delete all the files via the help of CCleaner which is used by the Programs.

Step 4: Altogether Press ‘Windows Key+R’ then type devmgmt.msc in the space given within the address bar.

Step 5: Tap ‘Enter’ to open up the Device Manager

Step 6: Choose ‘Sound, video and game controllers option from the expanded drop-down menu.

Step 7: Select the audio service which is implemented within the system.

Step 8: Tap on the ‘Uninstall’ option to remove the audio devices from the system.

Step 9: Tap on ‘Ok’ for final confirmation before uninstalling the audio device.

Step 10: Move to the option ‘Action’ from the Device Manager Window

Step 11: Select ‘ Scan for hardware changes ‘ and wait for a while as action scanning will take place within the system.

Step 12: Shut down the system and start once again to exhibit the changes

Method 2: Start Windows Audio Services Again

Step 1: Altogether Press ‘Windows Key+R’ then type services.msc in the space given within the address bar.

Step 2: Tap ‘Enter’ to open up the Windows Service List

Step 3: Find these three services which are mentioned below and choose one of them for proceeding with the further procedure.

  • Windows Audio
  • Windows Audio Endpoint Builder
  • Plug and Play

Step 4: Check that these three services have ‘Startup Type’ as ‘Automatic’ and their relevant ‘Services’ are simultaneously Running side by side.

Note: Double Tap the services if the ‘Startup Type’ is not automatic and adjust them to automatic within the property window.

Under such circumstances, firstly you need to tap on the ‘Stop’ button to stop the services before setting it to automatic and then tap on the start button to resume the services.

Step 5: After examining these services, restart them all over again by clicking on the start button.

Step 6:Now altogether Press ‘Windows Key+R’ and type msconfig in the space given within the address bar.

Step 7: Tap on ‘ Enter ‘ to open the System Configuration

Step 8: Move towards the ‘Services Tab’ and confirm that the chosen services are checked from the System Configuration Window.

Step 9: Start the PC once again to check whether the issue is resolved or not. If not then opt for other methods mentioned in this article.

Method 3: Reimplementation of Registry Key from the Antivirus

Step 1: Unfold the Anti-Virus and move towards the Virus vault.

Step 2: Choose ‘ View Recent History ‘ after right-clicking on the Norton Security

from the System Tray

Step 3: Choose ‘ Quarantine ‘ from the drop-down menu of Show Norton

Step 4: Choose the ‘ Audio device or services that are quarantined ‘ option from the quarantine vault.

Step 5: Search for the registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CURRENTCONTROL

Step 6: If the registry key ends with: AUDIOSRV.DLL
AUDIOENDPOINTBUILDER.DLL ; then install the keys again and restart the system to implement the changes.

Step 7: After starting the system once again check whether the issue has been resolved or not.

Note: If the issue doesn’t resolve then implement Step 1 & Step 2 again for better results.

Method 4: Resume the Audio Components of Windows

Step 1: Altogether Press ‘Windows Key+R’ and type services.msc in the space given within the address bar.

Step 2: Search for ‘Windows Audio Service’ and double tap on this option to access the ‘Properties’ option.

Step 3: Move to the ‘Dependencies tab’ for expanding the components which would be listed in “This service depends on the following system components”

Step 4: Cross-Check and Verify that all the components which are denoted above are asserted as : Started and Running in the services.msc

Step 5: Confirm that Remote Procedure Call and RPC Endpoint Mapper are running in the system.

Step 6: Resume the ‘Windows Audio Services’ and reboot the system to implement the necessary changes for resolving this issue.

Method 5: Run the Audio Troubleshooter

Step 1: Altogether Press ‘Windows Key+R’ from the keyboard.

Step 2: This would open the ‘Settings’ option on the screen.

Step 3: Tap on the ‘Update and Security option and further choose ‘Troubleshoot’ from the menu displayed on the left side of the screen.

Step 4: Tap on ‘Playing Audio’ which would be displayed under the “Get up and running” option on the screen.

Step 5: Within the ‘Playing Audio’ option you need to look out for ‘Run the troubleshooter’ and tap on it.

Step 6: There would be multiple suggestions displayed on the screen by the troubleshooter and based on your preference you can try any of them for resolving the issue.

Note: In case if any issues are found within the audio devices then you need to permit troubleshooters to fix the audio not responding error from the system.

Step 7: Choose the suggestions from the list and tap on ‘Apply this fix and Reboot’ for implementing the necessary changes within the system.

Method 6: Alteration in the registry keys

Also read: Deleting Broken Registry Items From Your System (5 Unique Strategies)

Step 1: Altogether Press ‘Windows Key + R’ then type regedit within the space given in the address bar.

Step 2: Tap on ‘Enter’ to open Registry Editor.

Step 3: Proceed further to run the regedit command in the system.

Step 4: Within the ‘Registry Editor’ search for the key : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\AudioEndPointBuilder\Parameters

Step 5: Lookout for ServicDll within the Windows Registry and while searching if you find that its value is %SystemRoot%\System32\Audiosrv.dll then determined it to be the root cause of Audio Services Not Responding Issue.

Step 6: Remove the current value of ServicDll written under the value data with %SystemRoot%\System32\AudioEndPointBuilder.dll

Step 7: Start the PC once again to implement the necessary changes in the system.

Also read: Six Straightforward Techniques to Fix Audio Renderer Error

Final Words on Audio Services Not Responding Issue

Out of all these methods, it’s your choice to select the best one for resolving Audio Services Not Responding Issue from your system. You can also try all these methods to see which one works best for you. We believe that it will be easier for our audience to resolve this issue because we have tried and tested them and from our perspective. We can guarantee that you’ll expel this Audio Services Not Responding Issue from your system without taking help from the customer care executive members.

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